Explore Your Genealogy at Great Eckworthy

It’s so very easy when surrounded by the history and romance of beautiful North Devon and its tiny communities to start wondering about the people who’ve lived here. 

Or perhaps you’re drawn to our corner of the South West because of a long held family connection you’d like to explore. You’re in luck! Great Eckworthy is also home to Anna-Marie, an amateur genealogist. 

We’re very happy to offer a complimentary hour of genealogy work to our guests. Whether you want to investigate your North Devon ancestry or want to know more about your family in the UK, Anna-Marie has the experience and access to online databases to start answering your questions. 

We can start to build your family tree either on ancestry.com, Find my Past or by hand, research Devon History Society if you have relatives that have lived in the county and look up any newspaper articles that may have been written about them or where they were living. There’s a wealth of knowledge out there just waiting to be discovered – who knows where this journey will take you and what surprises you may find!

And you’ll head home with the most unique keepsake of your adventure in North Devon.

About Anna Marie

Starting when her grandfather passed away leaving a wealth of family and ancestral history, Anna Marie has been exploring genealogy for a decade and has travelled extensively across the UK and Ireland tracing her ancestor’s steps: their homes, their villages, the church they would have worshipped in and their gravestones. 

Since then she has helped many others to uncover their roots too: friends, family, neighbours and even the accountant. She is currently working on the Buckland Brewer ‘Buried in History‘ Project – a project that started in 2022 and is expected to last several years.

Your Questions


Not necessarily.  It’s a fascinating process and you’re very welcome to sit with Anna Marie to work on your family history together. However, you’re very welcome to also leave any information you have with Anna Marie to work on alone.

No.  Any information you have is of course helpful but Anna Marie has access to some very extensive databases and can start from scratch for you.

Additional hours with Anna Marie are charged at £25 p/h or she can put you in touch with a genealogy expert closer to home to help you continue your exploration.